Solid Waste

The Dale County Solid Waste online payment portion is now live. Please visit and create an account. You will need your solid waste account number and physical address on the account to pay.



The Dale County Solid Waste Management Office is located at 202 S AL HWY 123, SUITE A, OZARK, AL 36360 inside the Dale County Government Building at the intersection of S HWY 123 and U.S. HWY 231 S. Enter the front lobby and take a left. Solid Waste Office hours are from 6:00 AM TO 4:00 PM Monday – Thursday. (Closed from 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM) New customer signups are ONLY done between the hours of 6:00 AM – 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM TO 3:30 PM. New customer signup requirements – copy of current driver’s license and $68.00 (CASH ONLY). This fee includes deposit and first month’s service. If you would like to pay the deposit and a full year’s payment the fee will be $266.00 (CASH ONLY). Garbage service is $18.OO per month / $216.00 per year.


MDI TRUCKS DO NOT RUN ON JULY 4TH, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, OR NEW YEAR’S DAY. They will run a day behind on these holidays.


Text SOLIDWASTE to (334)390-3772 for questions concerning account information such as balances, account history, address/name changes, service cancellations, and more.


Solid Waste Enrollment Form

Residential customer? Need to enroll in the solid waste program? 


Solid Waste Office

202 S. Hwy 123, Suite A
(334) 774-6212

Solid Waste Officer 

202 S. Hwy 123, Suite A
(334) 445-6787